Even in my small city of 102,000 and my church of 600 members it’s easy to see a very staggering truth: Christians are starved for meaningful relationships.

I’ve hungered for one true friend rather than 15 – 20 somewhat close friends.  There’s a real difference.  No, I don’t want to dominate someone’s time and attention in such a way as to practically “own” them so their wants and needs are never met.

It was Lee Grady who recalled his Puerto Rico preaching experience when he began at 10:30 on Sunday morning and didn’t leave until 5 p.m. because his listeners wanted him to continue teaching and preaching.

You remember in the Bible the book of Acts reports that after the first disciples were baptized they “…were continually devoting themselves to the apostle’s teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer” (Acts 2:42).  The word “fellowship” or koinonia (the Greek word) appears only 19 times and can be thought of as a heart-to-heart partnership, a bonding of two who know one another deeply, trust one another without fear of being exposed in any unlovely thought or word that may have been said.  For me it means, I’ll pray for you, care about your heart’s concerns, try to help you bear your burdens and, if you need money, my billfold is open to you.  I’ll try to help you love and serve Jesus if you’ll help me do the same.

Let’s keep our brothers and sisters from being starved for soul friendship.  Yes, some betray us, but not all.   Try again to have a deep, meaningful soul friendship.  Do me the courtesy of telling me if you have one.  Tell me if you are hungry for one or have you given up.  Are you willing to try again?  Are you starving?  Healthy, happy Christians have meaningful deep soul friendships – at least one.  I hear about Christians who have given up on this ever happening for them.  Change your thinking.  Ask God for one.  Lay behind you those who have let you down.  The way past your wounds is with the fresh love of a Christian brother or sister.  God’s Holy Spirit will provide the love to make it happen if you are willing.  Are you?  Let me hear from you, will you?